Broken Capillaries and Spider Veins

What Causes Spider Veins and Broken Capillaries?

Capillaries are little vessels that lie just below the skin’s surface, which become more noticeable as we age. As our skin gradually becomes thinner, it makes these vessels more pronounced. The reddened appearance is due to the constricted blood flow however some of the more common reasons for this issue are:


  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Allergies
  • Spicy food consumption
  • The natural ageing process

How To Treat Spider Veins On The Face? 

As we age it is natural for our capillaries and veins to take on a different appearance beneath the skin. They become more visible, especially around the extremities such as the nose, cheeks and certain parts of our legs as they age and begin to lose their strength and elasticity. The good news is that with modern technology we can actually treat broken capillaries safely and effectively with instant results.

Laser Photorejuvenation using the Candela Gentlemax Pro is an extremely effective method for removing spider veins on the face. Using a 755 nm wavelength, light pulses are sent into the blood vessel, which impedes the blood flow and eventually breaks down the blood vessel. After several treatments, the affected blood vessel collapses away from the surface of the skin, leaving it smooth and blemish-free. Additionally, topical creams that contain vitamin K or retinol may help reduce the appearance of spider veins by strengthening the skin and reducing the visibility of blood vessels.

How To Treat Spider Veins On The Legs? 

Compression Stockings

Compression stockings are a non-invasive treatment that can help alleviate the symptoms of spider veins. These stockings provide gentle pressure to the legs, which helps to improve blood flow and reduce swelling.

Laser Photorejuvenation

Similar to spider veins on the face, Laser Photorejuvenation is an extremely effective method for removing spider veins on the legs. With no downtime required, our highly trained and experienced therapists administer this non-surgical treatment using Candela Gentlemax Pro

How To Prevent Spider Veins? 

While spider veins cannot always be prevented, there are some steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing them:

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Unfortunately, being overweight can put excess pressure on the veins in your legs, which can lead to the development of spider veins. Excess weight can cause the veins to stretch and become weaker, making it more difficult for them to circulate blood back up to your heart. This can lead to blood pooling in the veins, which can cause them to become enlarged and visible on the surface of the skin.

Keep Your Legs Elevated

Elevating your legs can help reduce the appearance of spider veins because it helps improve blood flow and reduce the pressure on the veins in your legs. When you sit or stand for prolonged periods of time, blood can pool in your veins and cause them to bulge or twist, which can lead to spider veins. By elevating your legs, you are allowing gravity to help improve blood flow and reduce the pressure on your veins.

Limit Use Of Saunas & Hot Tubs

Exposure to high temperatures can cause blood vessels to break in some people. Sitting or lying in a hot tub can put pressure on the veins in your legs, which can increase the risk of developing spider veins or exacerbate existing ones. This is because the pressure can impede blood flow and cause blood to pool in the veins, making them more visible.

Avoid Tight Clothing

When clothing is too tight, it can constrict the flow of blood, causing it to pool in the veins and making them more visible. Wearing tight clothing can also make it more difficult for your muscles to pump blood back up to your heart. This can lead to increased pressure on the veins and can cause them to become enlarged and twisted. The prolonged pressure on the veins can weaken them and make them more prone to developing spider veins.

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(03) 9882 0951

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