If you’ve noticed bumps or dimples on your thighs, legs, buttocks or even other regions of the body, you’re not alone. Cellulite is a completely normal, safe (and incredibly common) condition that causes the appearance of lumpy, dimpled flesh on various parts of the body. Although there are no negative effects from having cellulite, some people may find that it causes a dip in confidence and may contribute to low self esteem.
Today, we look at exactly what cellulite is and what you can do to prevent it or reduce its appearance in order to feel like a happier, more confident you. Read on to find out more.
What Is Cellulite?
Many people are under the wrong impression that the appearance of cellulite is a direct result of being overweight or carrying too much fat on the body. However, it is important to note that in reality, people of all sizes and weights develop cellulite. So, if you notice that infamous “cottage cheese”-like appearance on your thighs, there is really nothing to worry about.
What Causes Cellulite?
Currently, the exact cause of cellulite is unknown but is assumed to result from an interaction between connective tissue in the dermatological layer that lies below the surface of the skin and the layer of adipose tissue (aka fat) that sits just below it. As our fat cells grow larger in size due to a variety of different lifestyle, diet, health and hormonal factors, the tough, fibrous cords that connect the skin to your muscles pull downward and start to push fat upward. This creates an uneven, dimpled surface which we know as cellulite.
Do Men Develop Cellulite?
In some rare cases, men may indeed develop cellulite. However, cellulitis is more common in women due to the different distributions of fat, muscle, and connective tissue in the female body. Sorry, ladies!
Who Is More Likely To Have Cellulite?
As we have touched on above, women are much more likely to develop cellulite. However, there are also a number of other factors that may make someone more prone to developing cellulite, including:
- Genetic predisposition;
- Loss of collagen;
- Poor lymphatic drainage;
- Thinning of the skin;
- Varying oestrogen levels in the bloodstream during puberty and pregnancy;
- A decrease in oestrogen during the time around menopause;
- Sedentary lifestyle; and
- An unhealthy diet consisting of high levels of saturated fat, refined carbohydrates and refined sugar.
Why Do Slim People Still Have Cellulite?
It is important to understand that cellulite can occur even in people who are underweight, normal weight or overweight. In this way, cellulite does not discriminate! Thus, it has no correlation to body fat percentage but rather the structure of the fat that lies beneath the skin. It is estimated that 80-90% of women will experience cellulite during their lives as a result of the different distributions of connective tissue, fat and muscle.
Can You?
Victorian Cosmetic Dermal Clinics use the world’s best non-surgical technology for cellulite reduction and body re-shaping – the Syneron VelaShape system. This simple, non-surgical, completely pain-free way to remove cellulite is comfortable and requires no downtime and can be performed during your lunch break. Our cellulite treatment time depends on the treatment area selected and varies between 15-60 minutes.
Our state of the art, non-surgical cellulite treatment uses a combination of:
- Bi-polar radiofrequency heat;
- Infrared heat;
- Suction pulses; and
- Body massage with mechanical rollers to firm and shape your problem areas.
How Does Syneron Velashape Work?
The Syneron VelaShape system works to eliminate your cellulite by using:
- Mechanised tissue manipulation to give deep massage and increase your circulation
- Bi-polar radio frequency to focus on the dermal layer of your skin
- Infra-red heating to improve the effectiveness of bi-polar radio frequency
- Vacuum technology that pulls your skin into the applicator to improve your circulation by using radio frequency.
What Lifestyle Changes Should I Make To Prevent Cellulite?
Aside from in-clinic treatment, there are also a variety of lifestyle changes that may contribute to the reduction in the appearance of cellulite on your body. These include:
- Increasing the amount of water your drink (upping your hydration levels);
- Consuming bioactive collagen peptide supplements;
- Reducing processed and high-sugar foods, increasing your fibre intake and consuming more foods that prevent cellulite; and
- Leading a more active lifestyle by incorporating cardiovascular exercises and strength training into your repertoire.
Although cellulite is harmless, it remains one of the biggest concerns amongst our female clients. At Victorian Cosmetic Dermal Clinics, our clinicians are highly experienced in offering safe and effective cellulite reduction treatment using FDA approved, industry leading VelaShape II.
To find out more or to book a consultation, simply head over to our contact page and we’ll get back to you in a jiffy!