Damage control – how to avoid acne breakouts and keep your skin healthy this holiday season

A little too much drink, a little too much food, a lot less sleep and a lot less vegetables and soon enough your face is looking just as bad as last night’s cold pizza that’s sitting in the fridge waiting to be reheated!

New Year Skin Tips

Don’t worry – We have all been there! Luckily we have some surefire tips to get your skin back on track this holiday season.

  1. Start reducing saturated fats immediately – Saturated fats found in fattier cuts of meat, dairy and most junk foods such as chips and take-away food stimulate the sebaceous glands in our skin and they begin to produce a lot of oil on the surface of the skin compared to normal. It’s when this excess oil becomes trapped underneath the skin that acne forms at a faster rate. By cutting out or reducing your saturated fat intake you will notice your skin also settling down.
  2. Drink Drink Drink (Water that is!). One of the main purposes of water in our bodies is to transport toxins and remove them from our system. By not drinking enough water, you are making it much harder for your body to eliminate the toxins from excess food and drink this holiday season. If you struggle to drink enough water, try adding some fresh lemon which has also been shown to improve skin conditions due to its ability to neutralise excess acidity in the body.
  3. Cleanse! In this day and age, you must use a cleanser daily to remove any built up dirt, oil and excess dead skin from the top layer of the skin. By cleansing not only are you removing excess oil from the surface of your skin, you are also allowing your skin to breathe better minimising your chances of developing pimples and acne.
  4. Moisturise! Women tend to reach for the moisturiser more so than men however a quality moisturiser is equally as important for men as it is for women and can not only help reduce skin conditions surfacing but can also prevent premature ageing particularly during the harsh summer months. If you are unsure which moisturiser is best to use, simply pop into one of our clinics for a free assessment and product recommendation from one of our experienced dermal therapists.

For more skin hints and tips, stay tuned to our blog or hop on over to our Facebook page for daily updates.

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