Chemical peels have been around since 1871 and have been utilised for over 150 years to improve skin texture, tone and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Of course, we’ve come a long way since the early days of 19th century European dermatology, and chemical peels are now a vital component of many peoples’ skincare routines.
In today’s day and age where everyone wants to look their best at all times, issues such as acne, scarring and discolouration can cause individuals to feel less confident in themselves and can truly have a negative impact on overall self esteem. At VC Dermal, we understand how important it is to feel confident in your own skin, which is why we offer a variety of different chemical peel options for all skin types and concerns.
What Is A Chemical Face Peel?
Chemical peels use gentle enzymes or exfoliating acids to dissolve the top layer of dead skin which can result in the unclogging of pores and a smoothing effect on the skin. Our Lira peel systems also contain potent antioxidants and active vitamins which are then targeted deeper into the skin to produce a brighter, plumper, clearer complexion. The result? A noticeable reduction in acne symptoms such as swelling, redness and irritation, giving you the clearer skin you’ve always wanted. Chemical peels also provide effective treatment for skin pigmentation problems, dry skin, wrinkles, skin texture, and the overall appearance of the skin.
What Are The Benefits Of A Chemical Peel?
Victorian Cosmetic Dermal Clinics chemical peels are customised to your specific skin concerns. Our non-invasive chemical peels require zero downtime and can even be performed during your lunch break.
Some of the the benefits of our medical grade chemical peels include:
- Cell renewal and regeneration of damaged skin;
- Reduced skin pigmentation;
- Improved skin hydration and smoother skin;
- Refined skin texture and tone due to increased collagen production;
- Reduced fine lines and wrinkles; and
- Improved blackheads, whiteheads and acne.
How Long Does It Take To Notice Visible Results?
Like most things in life, slow and steady wins the race. In order to achieve the results you are after, it is important that you remain patient and trust the process. Don’t panic – we’re talking months, not years. After your first chemical peel, you’ll notice immediate results with your skin becoming smoother, healthier and more youthful looking. Many of our clients notice visible (permanent) results within three months, and it is important that you stick to the instructions we give you which include regular in-clinic treatments and prescribed home skincare.
Do note that certain advanced skin conditions, such as acne and deeper pigmentation like melisma may require anywhere between 6 to 12 months before you notice significant improvements in your skin’s health and appearance.
Case Study – Chemical Peel At Our Camberwell Skin Clinic
At VC Dermal, we believe that a picture is worth a thousand words. Here are some chemical peel before and after images that showcase the results of a client at our laser clinic in Camberwell.
Our client has achieved significant results in a matter of just 6 months, with a 90% reduction in acne, scarring and hyper-pigmentation. There is also a remarkable reduction in redness and uneven skin texture which is incredibly evident in the following photos.
Treatment history: 6 x LED and 5 x chemical peels
Products: (All Lira Clinical) Bio Enzyme cleanser, SPF Oil free, Bio Hydra c, beauty Oil, Pro Lite, Ice clarifying treatment and Pro retinol cream
Vitamins: JS Health Detox and DeBloat and Skin and digestion
It’s our belief at Victorian Cosmetic & Dermal Clinics that everyone has access to beautiful skin. Our passion is helping people transform their skin through the use of our proven dermal therapies such as chemical skin peels and more.
If you are looking to find out if you are a suitable candidate for our variety chemical peel treatments, do not hesitate to contact us today.